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Information for People living with HIV

If you find yourself in the Czech Republic, cannot leave the country and are running out of antiretroviral therapy please contact, +420 720 956 544 (WhatsApp, Viber) or +420 725 960 300. We will help you to find a solution.

Если Вы оказались в Чешской Республике и у Вас заканчивается запас антиретровирусной терапии свяжитесь с, +420 720 956 544 (WhatsApp, Viber) или +420 725 960 300. Мы поможем Вам найти решение.

HIV, Foreigners and Health Insurance in the Czech Republic

All Czech citizens and legal employees living in Czechia have Czech health insurance, which covers all HIV care. According to the law, this is obligatory.

If a self-employed person wants to have Czech health insurance, he or she has to request a copy of the agreement made with the health insurance company and ask for the same coverage that is given to all Czech citizens (even though it is more expensive). Some health insurance companies may then ask for HIV test. Usually, health insurance companies will then offer him/her the agreement covering only emergency cases (which may already be covered by his/her personal health insurance almost or at the same level).

An EU Citizen cannot have an insurance policy in more than one EU country. This means that they either will have one in his/her own country (that country would also provide all HIV care in this case) or in the Czech Republic (HIV care is provided by the Czech Republic).

An uninsured person in need of emergency care will of course be treated, but only procedures classified as emergency/life-saving care will be done. Anything else must be paid for at the time of service, and the person can submit a claim for reimbursement of the costs to the insurance provider in their country. When covered by Czech insurance, the amount of care provided will match the amounts listed in the policy and costs in the Czech Republic. This is something to take note of due to higher healthcare costs in other countries.

There are only a few differences between Czech health insurance companies. For example, some of them ask for an HIV test before making an agreement. If this is an issue, we can recommend a company which does not require this information. Inpatient and outpatient care for PLWHA is centralized in the "HIV" treatment center at the infectious disease clinic of Prague’s Bulovka hospital.

The range of anti-retroviral medications are very similar to other developed countries. Shortages, which rarely occur, are short-lived and never too serious. One should also note that

Criminalization of HIV transmission (risk behaviour)

If you have anal, vaginal or oral sex without condom whilst knowing that you are HIV positive, regardless if HIV is transmitted to the other party, the police can still charge you with criminal act of endangering by infectious disease.


Some countries, 28 to be exact, like Russia, China, and the UAE ask for a certificate of HIV status before approving your request to study or work.

Free condoms and lubricants

Condoms are free and easily accessible in gay saunas and few gay clubs, or you may also get them from outreach worker. Lubricants are not usually free in gay clubs. You may easily buy condoms in different types of shops and some brands are very cheap (20 cents). Free condoms (sometimes also lubricants) are distributed in preventive campaigns.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

As in many other countries, pre-exposure prophylaxis is available in the Czech Republic.